
Token Name: Balance Network

Token Symbol: BALANCE

Token Decimals: 18

Token Address: 0xB84F00B5Ab187bc795d61389AC2418D4e7C77BB0

Total Supply: 10,000,000 BALANCE

Start Time: 2024.01.09 13:00 (UTC)

End Time: 2024.01.11 18:50 (UTC) Listing On: Uniswap

Liquidity Percent: 45%

Buyback Percent: 10%

Liquidity Lockup Time: 200 days after pool ends

Tokens Metrics

20,00%: Presale

08,55%: Liquidity

10,00%: Cex Listing

14,00%: Yield Tokenization

08,00%: Network AMM

09,00%: Ecosystem Development

09,00%: Advanced Yield Strategies

08,00%: Explore partnerships with decentralized exchanges (DEX)

03,00%: Marketing and Partneship

10,45%: Burnt

Last updated